Pricing Update - 2023

2023 Pricing

  • We are NOT a Bulk Billing Clinic
  • Medicare will provide a $58 rebate for a maximum of 5 services per patient each calendar year.
  • Clients will be required to pay the full fee charged and the Medicare Rebate of $58 will deposited directly back into their bank account
  • Concession rates are only available Monday – Friday
  • Fully Paid amounts are charged on Saturdays

2023/24 Price Update for Physio Medicare Appointments

Danny Smith – Physiotherapist

Concession EPC Provider
Initial & Follow Up Appointments = $78 ($20 out of pocket)
If an appointment is booked with Danny the above appointment fee will be charged at the time. We will then process the $58 Medicare rebate which will be refunded to your nominated account.