Ulnar Nerve Entrapment Syndrome
What is Ulnar Nerve Entrapment?
When the ulnar nerve is entrapped along its pathway, the pain may be felt at the shoulders, on the inside of elbows and wrists. Symptoms may also include weakness in the hand, pins and needles, tingling and numbness in the palm and in a ring and little fingers. If left untreated, it leads to muscle atrophy.
The most commonly, the pain in the elbow (Cubital Tunnel Syndrome) and the wrist (Guyon’s Canal Syndrome) is caused due to the repetitive compression at sites.
Leaning on the elbow for a prolonged period may compress the ulnar nerve and cause the pain and tingling on the inside of elbows.
The pain in the wrist and altered sensation in the palm of the hand and fingers are frequently experienced by cyclists due to prolonged gripping of a handlebar (cyclist’s palsy) and weightlifters due to the constant palmar pressure.
The ulnar nerve entrapment may also occur from the repetitive use of power tools, trauma, swelling, and other pathologies.
Intervention and Prevention
Whether you are a passionate cyclist or weightlifter, or someone whose job requires repetitive griping, our team of therapists can help you. We will assess you and recommend the best course of treatment for your individual needs. We will work with you so you can achieve your goals and continue with your activities.
In our clinics, we use many therapy modalities:
- Hands-on manual therapy
- Neural glides
- Low level laser therapy
- Dry needling with or without electrical stimulation
- Strengthening and stretching program
- Education on activity modification
- Kinesio taping