
Remedial Massage: A Natural Solution for Physical Discomfort

Remedial Massage: A Natural Solution for Physical Discomfort

Remedial massage is a type of therapeutic massage that is designed to identify and treat injuries, discomfort and tension. It uses a range of techniques, such as deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, and myofascial release, to address muscle and soft tissue problems in the body. Unlike other types of massage, remedial massage is tailored to the needs of the individual, making it an effective solution for those experiencing various physical discomforts.

Below are some benefits of remedial massage:

1. Pain Reduction

One of the primary benefits of remedial massage is pain reduction. If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort in your muscles, joints, or soft tissues, remedial massage can provide the relief you need. By targeting problem areas in the body, massage therapists can loosen tight muscles and joints, and increase flexibility and range of motion. This helps to reduce pain and discomfort, while promoting healing in the affected areas.

2. Stress Relief

Remedial massage can also help to relieve stress and tension in the body. By increasing blood flow and promoting relaxation, it can help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. This can be especially beneficial for those who suffer from chronic stress, as massage can help to regulate the body’s natural stress response.

3. Improved Posture

Another benefit of remedial massage is improved posture. If you work at a desk or spend a lot of time sitting, you may be at risk for developing poor posture. Over time, this can lead to discomfort and pain in the neck, shoulders, and back. Remedial massage can help to correct postural imbalances, which can help to reduce pain and discomfort, and improve overall quality of life.

4. Enhanced Athletic Performance

For those who participate in sports or other physical activities, remedial massage can help to enhance athletic performance. By increasing circulation and flexibility, massage can help to prevent injuries, improve recovery time, and increase overall physical performance.

Overall, remedial massage is a safe and effective natural solution for those experiencing physical discomfort. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain, stress, or poor posture, a qualified remedial massage therapist can help you find relief. Consider booking an appointment today to experience the benefits of this natural therapy.

Head 2 Toe Wellness Solutions

Sports Massage Benefits: Enhancing Performance & Preventing Injuries

The Benefits of Sports Massage: Enhancing Performance and Preventing Injuries

For athletes and sports enthusiasts, maximizing performance and preventing injuries are key priorities. To achieve these goals, many turn to sports massage as an essential component of their training and recovery routine. Sports massage offers a range of benefits that can contribute to improved athletic performance and overall well-being. Let’s explore the advantages of sports massage:

1. Enhanced Athletic Performance

Sports massage can significantly enhance athletic performance by improving flexibility, range of motion, and muscle function. The specific techniques used in sports massage, such as deep tissue massage and stretching, target areas of muscle tightness and promote optimal muscle function. By releasing muscle tension, increasing blood flow, and improving flexibility, sports massage helps athletes perform at their best and reduce the risk of injury.

2. Muscular Recovery and Injury Prevention

Intense physical activity can often lead to muscular fatigue and increase the risk of injuries. Regular sports massage aids in the recovery process by reducing muscle soreness, promoting faster healing, and preventing future injuries. The targeted techniques of sports massage help to break down adhesions, reduce inflammation, and eliminate metabolic waste from the muscles. This accelerates the recovery process and improves the overall resilience of the musculoskeletal system.

3. Increased Circulation and Oxygenation

Sports massage stimulates blood circulation, which is crucial for delivering oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. By enhancing blood flow, sports massage helps flush out metabolic waste products and toxins, reducing muscle soreness and promoting a quicker recovery. Improved circulation also aids in maintaining optimal muscle function and can enhance endurance during physical activity.

4. Psychological Benefits

In addition to the physical benefits, sports massage also provides psychological advantages. It promotes relaxation, reduces anxiety and stress levels, and enhances overall mental well-being. Athletes often experience immense pressure and stress, and sports massage offers them a space to unwind, recenter themselves, and improve their mental focus and clarity.

5. Injury Rehabilitation

For athletes recovering from an injury, sports massage plays a crucial role in the rehabilitation process. Sports massage therapists can tailor their techniques to address specific injuries, helping to reduce scar tissue, restore range of motion, and improve healing. By incorporating sports massage into their rehabilitation plan, athletes can accelerate the recovery process, regain strength, and safely return to their sport.

6. Injury Detection and Identification

Sports massage therapists are skilled at identifying potential problem areas and detecting early signs of injury. They can assess muscle imbalances, areas of tension, and restricted mobility, which can indicate areas of concern. By addressing these areas promptly, athletes can prevent injuries from worsening and take proactive measures to improve their overall performance and well-being.

In conclusion, sports massage offers a multitude of benefits for athletes and sports enthusiasts. From enhancing athletic performance and accelerating recovery to preventing injuries and improving mental well-being, sports massage is a valuable tool in achieving optimal performance and maintaining overall physical health. Whether you are a professional athlete or a recreational sports enthusiast, incorporating sports massage into your training and recovery routine can make a significant difference in your performance and overall well-being. Consult with a qualified sports massage therapist to develop a customized treatment plan that caters to your specific needs and goals. Invest in sports massage, and reap the rewards of improved performance, faster recovery, and a healthier, more balanced body.


What is the Difference between Remedial Massage & Relaxation Massage?

When it comes to massage therapy, there are various types that cater to different needs and preferences. Two common types of massages are remedial massage and relaxing massage. Let’s explore the differences between the two:

Remedial Massage

Remedial massage is a therapeutic massage technique that focuses on treating specific muscular issues, injuries, and conditions. It is typically used to address musculoskeletal problems and help restore the body’s natural balance. Remedial massage therapists are trained to assess and treat specific areas of tension, pain, or dysfunction in the body.

The key features of remedial massage include:

  1. Targeted Treatment: Remedial massage aims to identify and target specific areas of concern in the body. It employs techniques such as deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, and stretching to address muscular imbalances, tension, and pain.
  2. Assessment and Diagnosis: Remedial massage therapists conduct a detailed assessment of your condition, considering factors like posture, range of motion, and medical history. This allows them to create a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs.
  3. Focussed Pain Relief: Remedial massage is often used to alleviate chronic pain, injuries, or conditions like back pain, muscle strains, and joint problems. It aims to actively treat the underlying causes of discomfort and promote healing.

Relaxing Massage

Relaxing massage, also known as Swedish massage, is a gentle and soothing massage technique primarily used for relaxation and stress reduction. It focuses on promoting overall well-being and inducing a sense of deep relaxation. Relaxing massage is the perfect choice if you want to unwind, de-stress, or simply enjoy a tranquil experience.

The characteristics of relaxing massage are:

  1. Long, Fluid Strokes: Relaxing massage involves gentle, rhythmic strokes that help promote circulation, relieve muscle tension, and encourage relaxation. It typically involves techniques like effleurage (gliding strokes), kneading, and gentle stretching.
  2. Light to Moderate Pressure: The pressure used in relaxing massage is generally light to moderate, ensuring a gentle and soothing experience. It does not typically involve deep pressure or specific targeting of problem areas.
  3. Stress Relief and Relaxation: The primary aim of relaxing massage is to help you relax, alleviate stress, and provide an overall sense of comfort and well-being. It can also improve your sleep quality and promote a sense of tranquility.

In summary, remedial massage is a targeted therapeutic approach that addresses specific muscular issues, injuries, and conditions, while relaxing massage is primarily focused on inducing relaxation, reducing stress, and promoting overall well-being. Whether you choose a remedial massage or a relaxing massage depends on your individual needs and preferences. Our qualified massage therapists will help you determine which type of massage is most suitable for your specific goals.

Both of our therapists are fully qualified in Remedial Massage, so all appointments are named as such. This allows you to claim with your private health fund if you have this therapy covered. We recommend booking with Penny if you think you would require a Relaxation Massage.


Hot or Cold/Ice Pack?

I often get asked by my clients is it better to use hot or cold/ice pack for the painful areas. The answer to this question is really not straightforward and the application of hot or cold therapy will depend on so many factors and your overall health.

In general, cold/ice therapy is usually applied to the acute injuries such as sprains and strains to reduce swelling and inflammation. The application of cold/ice pack will also affect the activity of your nervous system and will reduce the pain. You may apply cold/ice pack for no longer than 10-15 minutes, three or more times per day following the injury. Cold/ice pack will constrict blood vessels and reduce blood flow to the area and may slow down the healing process at the injured area. Just keep in mind that cold therapy might not be appropriate for your injury, and you should consult your doctor or your therapist prior to using cold/ice therapy. Never place the cold/ice pack directly to the skin as it may damage the skin; instead, wrap it in a towel before applying to the skin.

Heat pack will improve circulation and will increase blood flow to the area where applied. That can reduce pain and relax your muscles. Mostly it is used for chronic pain, stiffness, and muscle tension. You can apply heat pack for longer time than cold therapy, 15-30 minutes and sometimes even longer. Be careful that hot pack is not too hot as it may burn your skin. You should not apply heat pack to the area that is bruised or have open wound. Furthermore, you should not use heat therapy if you have certain conditions such as infection, vascular disease, dermatitis, deep vein thrombosis.

Sometimes alternating hot and cold therapy might be the best option.

A little note for people with lymphoedema. You should not apply hot or cold therapy to your affected body area as it may cause increased swelling.

So, my advice would be to consult your therapist prior to using hot or cold therapy and follow instructions for the best and safest result.


Wrist and Thumb Pain During and After Pregnancy?

It is very common for women to experience odd sensations such as burning, tingling, numbness or pain in their fingers and/or wrist during pregnancy.

There are two common conditions that are likely responsible for this, one being Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and the other is De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

CTS is when there is pain in the wrist and hand along with odd sensations typically in the thumb, index, middle and ring finger.

De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis

De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis is when there is pain over the thumb muscles and has the potential to extend into the outer wrist and forearm.

Both of these conditions are caused by various changes that comes with pregnancy which includes softening hormones, increased fluid retention and repetitive loading such as lifting up your new Bub!

All of these has the potential for new mothers to put strains and pressure on the tendons, muscles, ligaments and nerve in your wrist and thumb which can become sensitive overtime.

Speak to one of our clinicians so that we can get a clear history of your pain and perform a comprehensive examination of your wrist, thumb and surrounding structures to determine what is the most likely contributing factor to your wrist and thumb symptoms. We are most interested to know of the activities and postures that you find most difficult as that is what we want you to be able to achieve.

Treatment will depend on the main reason that you are getting the pain or odd sensation so it will be different for everyone.

It is important to take action earlier than later when you notice you are getting wrist or thumb symptoms by seeing a physiotherapist or occupational therapist as these are unlikely to get better by itself.

The clinician may show you different ways to do your usual activities including feeding your bub and will teach you the best way to position your wrists and fingers to reduce the tension on the structures that are likely sensitive.

Other treatment that may be utilised includes icing, exercise therapy, and splinting if deemed necessary.